Fine motor skills worksheets and printables

I’ve been wanting to put together a list of the best tracing and scissor skills worksheets for preschoolers for a while now.

It can be really helpful to have them all in one place. So you and I can just come in whenever we need to and print the right kind of activity for our preschoolers.

fine motor skills worksheets

So whether you’re looking for tracing sheets, cut and paste worksheets, activities for pencil control, or scissor skills, you’ll find them all here.

Let’s get started!

Fine motor skills worksheets by category

Tracing pictures

Picture tracing is a fun way to practice pencil grip and pre-writing skills. Children learn to follow the lines, stop and start at a certain point, change direction and so much more!

Therefore follow this list of free printable tracing pictures worksheets to discover engaging tracing activities to do with your child.

tracing pictures worksheets

Tracing lines and shapes

Tracing lines and shapes builds a solid foundation for future handwriting. You can easily laminate these printables for multiple uses. Washable crayons will do just the trick for plenty of pre-writing practice.

tracing lines and shapes pdf

Tracing letters and numbers

Many preschoolers learn their sing their ABCs way before they enter kindergarten. You can help them to also practice their fine motor skills and handwriting using letter tracing worksheets. Just remember that writing skills develop differently in each child.

tracing letters and numbers worksheets

Scissor skills printables

Now let’s move on to scissor and cutting skills.

My preschool boys are over 4 years old now and even though they get plenty of scissor practice, they definitely have room for improvement. So I like to keep some nice cutting skills pages at hand to have them practice their scissor skills as much as they want. Here are some of my favorites:

cutting skills printables

Cut and paste worksheets

Cut and paste activities are a great way to teach not only scissor skills but also about proper use of glue, as well.

If you have a preschooler at home you know exactly what I am talking about. Instead of one drop of glue, my boys tend to make a paddle even for the smallest pictures! Teaching opportunities are everywhere, I tell ya’!

Here is a list of fun cut and paste worksheets for your little learners:

cut and paste printables

I really hope you found this list of fine motor skills printables helpful and you’ll refer to it as often as you need to.