Fine motor skills worksheets and printables
I’ve been wanting to put together a list of the best tracing and scissor skills worksheets for preschoolers for a while now.
It can be really helpful to have them all in one place. So you and I can just come in whenever we need to and print the right kind of activity for our preschoolers.
So whether you’re looking for tracing sheets, cut and paste worksheets, activities for pencil control, or scissor skills, you’ll find them all here.
Let’s get started!
Fine motor skills worksheets by category
Tracing pictures
Picture tracing is a fun way to practice pencil grip and pre-writing skills. Children learn to follow the lines, stop and start at a certain point, change direction and so much more!
Therefore follow this list of free printable tracing pictures worksheets to discover engaging tracing activities to do with your child.
- Transportation tracing worksheets – little boys and girls will most certainly enjoy tracing pictures of different vehicles! I laminated ours (for multiple uses) as you can see in the picture above. By Planes & Balloons
- Easter picture tracing – for the spring season make sure to get these Easter tracing worksheets made by my favorite site Totschooling.
- Valentine’s day picture tracing – whether Valentine’s day is near or far, children will still enjoy tracing hearts, love birds and more! By Planes & Balloons
- Weather tracing worksheets – if you are working on the wether unit, these weather printables by PreschoolMom will come in handy.
- Winter tracing worksheets – for long winter days, have your children trace the pictures of snowman, penguins, and more! By Planes & Balloons
- Alphabet and picture tracing – Totschooling has another great post for tracing pictures and letters at the same time!
- For some holiday tracing fun, try these Christmas or Halloween tracing sheets!
- And if the new school year is upon us, choose one of these back to school tracing worksheets here or here.
- During summer, your preschoolers will enjoy tracing these ocean animals or some yummy ice cream and other pictures.
- And in spring, don’t forget to practice tracing with these spring trace and color pages. By Planes & Balloons
Tracing lines and shapes
Tracing lines and shapes builds a solid foundation for future handwriting. You can easily laminate these printables for multiple uses. Washable crayons will do just the trick for plenty of pre-writing practice.
- Valentine’s Day prewriting worksheets – to practice tracing straight and curved lines, have your preschoolers trace these fun pages. By Planes & Balloons
- If your preschoolers are working on their shape recognition, add some more fun with this shape tracing practice activity. By Miniature Masterminds
- For some back to school fun, let your kids trace these lines as much as they want. By 123Homeschool4me
- Tracing circles worksheets – have your preschoolers practice tracing curves and circles to strengthen their fine motor skills. By Planes & Balloons
- For some dinosaur tracing fun head over to Mrs. Jones Creation Station
- And for some Easter eggs hunt printables, make sure to check out my Easter eggs and shapes tracing worksheets. By Planes & Balloons
Tracing letters and numbers
Many preschoolers learn their sing their ABCs way before they enter kindergarten. You can help them to also practice their fine motor skills and handwriting using letter tracing worksheets. Just remember that writing skills develop differently in each child.
- One of the most favorite printables on this site is these letter tracing worksheets. If you haven’t downloaded them yet, I highly encourage you. By Planes & Balloons
- And if your children are learning to write their numbers, then have them practice with these number tracing worksheets too. By Planes & Balloons
- For more number tracing visit EasyPeasyAndFun and ItsyBitsyFun, too!
- Add these holiday letters and numbers tracing worksheets to your curriculum this Thanksgiving or Christmas season. By Planes & Balloons
- For more letter tracing practice go to LittleDotsEducation. You’ll have to download each letter separately, however.
- During cold winter days, have your preschoolers practice counting to 10 while learning to write their numbers with this Penguin number matching printable. By Planes & Balloons
- And for numbers up to 20 try these number coloring and tracing pages by 3Dinosaurs.
Scissor skills printables
Now let’s move on to scissor and cutting skills.
My preschool boys are over 4 years old now and even though they get plenty of scissor practice, they definitely have room for improvement. So I like to keep some nice cutting skills pages at hand to have them practice their scissor skills as much as they want. Here are some of my favorites:
- Ready to go exercises for preschool cutting practice – simple line practice sheets which can be traced first and then cut. By Planes & Balloons
- Fun Trolls hair cutting pages are perfect to keep preschoolers engaged. By Totschooling
- I keep these cutting strips at hand in our arts and crafts box. So whenever my kids feel like using their scissors they have an opportunity to do so. By Planes & Balloons
- Another simple cutting practice activity is these busy bees printable. By LookWeAreLearning
- This set of printable cutting strips will be perfect for the summer! By Planes & Balloons
- Another simple scissor skills practice is this printable by 123Homeschool4me.
- For some Fall-themed cutting practice sheets head over to 3BoysAndAdog and if summer is in season then use these summer scissor practice sheets by ItsyBitsyFun.
Cut and paste worksheets
Cut and paste activities are a great way to teach not only scissor skills but also about proper use of glue, as well.
If you have a preschooler at home you know exactly what I am talking about. Instead of one drop of glue, my boys tend to make a paddle even for the smallest pictures! Teaching opportunities are everywhere, I tell ya’!
Here is a list of fun cut and paste worksheets for your little learners:
- Cut and paste animals, dinosaurs, vehicles, and bugs worksheets for preschool is another very popular preschool worksheet bundle here on Planes & Balloons. You can see an example in the picture above.
- For some fall-themed cutting skills printables check out these fall cutting skills worksheetsby Planes & Balloons and cut and paste fall objectsby Education.
- During spring season make sure to download the cut and paste Easter eggs or cut and paste letters activities. By Planes & Balloons
- For little readers, there is this winter label the picture activity which you can do with your child. By Mama’s Learning Corner
- Not only for Valentine’s day celebration there are cute cut and paste hearts worksheetsby Planes & Balloons.
I really hope you found this list of fine motor skills printables helpful and you’ll refer to it as often as you need to.