If you need a housing accommodation or modification, you will need to make this request to your landlord or HOA in writing. You might also need to ask your health care provider to write a letter to document your disability or need. Here are some sample letters and templates to help you and/or your health care provider write the letters you need. Sample letters for accommodations relating to assistance animals can be found here.
[Building Manager/Landlord]
[Address of Building Manager/Landlord]
Dear [Building Manager/Landlord]:
I live at [your address]. I am a person with a disability as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Fair Housing Act, and the North Carolina Fair Housing Act. This means that I have a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of my major life activities. My disability prevents me from ____________________________________.
The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing based on various protected classes, including disability. Discrimination includes refusing “to make reasonable accommodations in rules, policies, practices, or services, when such accommodations may be necessary to afford such person [with a disability] equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling.” Some examples of common reasonable accommodations include allowing assistance animals in no pet housing, providing an assigned accessible parking space to tenants with mobility impairments, or allowing a tenant with disabilities to transfer to an available first floor unit.
In order to ensure that I have an equal opportunity to use and enjoy my home, I am requesting the following reasonable accommodation/modification(s): ___________________________________________________________________________.
If the disability-related need for your request is not readily apparent, include:
(I have attached verification of my disability from [name of your healthcare professional], which describes the functional limitations I experience and the accommodation/modification(s) I need to have full use and enjoyment of my home.)
Please reply to my request in writing within the next ten (10) business days.* If you have any questions about my request, please do not hesitate to contact me at [your phone number or email address]. I look forward to your response and appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.
*Providers have an obligation to provide a prompt response to a reasonable accommodation/modification request. Ten days is a suggestion.
Larry Landlord
123 Main Street
Raleigh, NC 12345
Re: Reasonable Accommodation Request
Dear Mr. Landlord:
I live at unit 101 of Pleasant Apartments. I am a person with a disability as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Fair Housing Act, and the North Carolina Fair Housing Act. This means I have a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of my major life activities. My disability limits me from consistently understanding information that is given to me, either verbally or in writing.
The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing based on various protected classes, including disability. Discrimination includes refusing “to make reasonable accommodations in rules, policies, practices, or services, when such accommodations may be necessary to afford such person [with a disability] equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling.” Some examples of common reasonable accommodations include allowing assistance animals in no pet housing, providing an assigned accessible parking space to tenants with mobility impairments, or allowing a tenant with a disability to transfer to an available first floor unit.
In order to ensure I have equal access to my home, I am requesting a reasonable accommodation to have my sister, Jane Smith, be the point of contact for any communications you would typically have with me. She is able to explain things to me and ensure that I understand the information. Please contact her at (987) 654-3210 or janesmith@email.com if you would ever need to contact me.
I have attached a verification letter from my healthcare provider, Dr. David Healthy, explaining how this accommodation will assist me with my disability.
Please respond to my request in writing within the next ten (10) business days. If you have any questions about my request, please do not hesitate to contact me at (123) 456-7890 or jonsmith@email.com, but please copy my sister on the contact as well. Thank you for your consideration.
Dear [Apartment Manager/Landlord/Housing Authority/Homeowners Association]:
[Full name of patient] is my patient, and has been in my care since [date]. I am familiar with his/her medical condition and with the substantial functional limitations of his/her disability. These limitations include [limitations that require the requested accommodation].
[The requested accommodation/modification] is necessary for [patient name] to live in the community and use and enjoy his/her dwelling by [description of how it will help support the individual to live independently and/or use and enjoy his/her dwelling].
Thank you for providing this reasonable accommodation/modification for [patient name].
[Professional’s Signature and Title]
Dear Larry Landlord:
Jon Smith is my patient and has been under my care for the past three years. I am familiar with his medical history and with the substantial functional limitations of his disability.
Due to his documented disability, Mr. Smith has certain intellectual limitations regarding processing information presented to him. In order to help alleviate his difficulties and to enhance his ability to live independently, I recommend that his sister, Jane Smith, assist him by being the point of contact for your communications with Mr. Smith. This will help Mr. Smith process information when his disability inhibits his ability to do so.
Thank you for providing this reasonable accommodation to Mr. Smith.
Doctor David Healthy, M.D.